Keeping Sales Human: A Podcast with Jill Konrath

Keeping Sales Human: Agile Selling in a Noisy, Busy World On May 22nd I had the pleasure of chatting with one my fave sales experts - and I don't throw that term around liberally - Jill Konrath. Always a breath of fresh, no-nonsense Midwestern common sense on sales, [...]

By |2017-02-21T02:17:31+00:00May 22, 2014|

Humanizing Sales – A Q & A with Sales Expert, Jill Konrath

Kathy Klotz-Guest (KKG): Thank you, Jill, for sharing your thoughts and experience with our readers today. Let's jump right in! So many people equate "selling" with the visual of a used car-salesman because there are so many examples of salespeople that are aggressive and "un-human." Yet, selling is [...]

By |2017-02-14T01:51:02+00:00January 20, 2012|

Does Fun Matter in Sales and Marketing? Yes, and!… Humor Me!

I have written about the role of humor in sales and marketing many times. To read some of those articles, visit: After a recent panel discussion at an event where I was asked this question, I am revisiting it. The challenge: giving a short answer [...]

By |2017-02-21T22:05:32+00:00December 7, 2011|