I love brands that play!

Playful Brands 2017

Here is a list of some of my fave brands online. No, I am not getting paid.

I love their fun, fresh voice and playful way to approach content and social media. They are not over the top – and they exhibit a fresh and sassy voice.

Chubbies Shorts @chubbies. Sure, they follow only 3 ppl to manipulate Klout. But they do make me laugh.

Playful Brands

Betabrand @betabrand. Crowdfunded clothing design. Yes, it’s two clothing brands in a row. They make me smile. Their campaigns are great and #b2b could learn a lot from them. When #b2b comes out of the boring time out corner. It knows what it did!

BarkBox. @barkbox. They are fun. Plain and simple. I am a dog mom and a human child mom. Some days, I am not sure which I like better. You know;-)

Are there fun B2B brands out there that you love? Let me know. I’d love to know. I wish there were a few. What brands make you smile? I will give an honorable mention to @microsoft and @intuit.

What do you think? What brands do you love lately?