National Fun at Work Day
National Fun at Work Day and Lessons on Dropping the Script from SNL and Timothee Chalame It’s a BIG YEAR, Innovation Explorers! It's National Fun at Work Day this Friday. I think it [...]
National Fun at Work Day and Lessons on Dropping the Script from SNL and Timothee Chalame It’s a BIG YEAR, Innovation Explorers! It's National Fun at Work Day this Friday. I think it [...]
Start Playing! There are so many Creativity Lessons from Jim Henson. He was a genius: innovative, playful, whimsical, funny, driven. I LOVED The Muppet Show growing up. 7PM PST Sunday nights, I was in front [...]
Adaptability Mindset is a growth mindset. Sure, risk-taking can be scary. It doesn't have to be. And we need risk-taking for creativity and innovation and for personal as well as professional growth. How can we [...]
Every team in a business setting is an improv group. I don't care what kind of business you are in or work for - every business team is an improv group. Sure, you may not [...]
Let's talk about a serious issue... Less serious does not mean less professional. Being less serious. THE false narrative many buy into, "Less serious means less professional." "I won't be taken SERIOUSLY." I DISAGREE. [...]
Friday the 29th is National Fun at Work Day! Some people think play is frivolous. It isn't. And it's time to change the narrative on play. Play is good for our mental well-being, happiness and for #innovation in #marketing, #products, [...]
Why Now? It's a great time to create a culture of experimentation precisely because of what's happening today. People want to bring their creativity to work. And it's an innovation imperative. If we're not nurturing [...]
And not in that order. Improvisation has changed my world. It's changed everything in 20 years for me. It’s not just about honing your funny bone (and it will, Virginia, I promise!); the true lessons [...]
We fall into ruts all the time. We use the same ways to get out of those ruts. That itself keeps us from seeing things in new ways. So if you want more creative content [...]
In a World of Fake News I was on a podcast recently with friends and colleagues to promote our StoryCo Conf in LA on Oct 25th (note: still FREE tickets available here at Over [...]
How to Strengthen and Build Storytelling Culture I have written (and chatted) at length about ways to build storytelling culture over the years. In this short clip for my 'Yes And Brand' Show I give [...]
Interactive storytelling is not an option today. If you are not doing it, you will be left behind. Harold Lloyd’s silent comedy was story *crack* to my 9-year-old brain. Here was a silent film era [...]
Play increases self-awareness and that is key to leadership. Do you know how you play? I love playing. We don’t play enough as adults. That’s what kids do and it matters. We know play is [...]
Far too often, we tell people all the things they shouldn't do in the workplace. Don't rock the boat Don't make mistakes Don't forget we need 20% return Don't try new things We don't do [...]
Humor and Branded Content - How to Show Audiences You "Get it" I published a piece on humor and branded content and native advertising in the latest updates for the Native Advertising Institute. It's getting [...]
How do you know you are reading and listening to too much growth hacking content? Well, when you start talking like this!
I created this chart just before Equal Pay Day... Just in case...if you know people that are confused, you can use this Flowchart for reference to help answer the question of paying women speakers equally. [...]
I am no blockchain expert; yet I have friends who are and they can show you how to speak like a blockchain boss. Today, I got to chat with my friends @Kerrygorgone and @Chrisbrogan (a real [...]