Humor Me! Lighten Up B2B Marketing and Get Results
If you read my blog or any article I’ve written, you know this is mission of mercy for me. As a marketer, storyteller and improviser, I have seen humor deliver results. Humor IS human and [...]
If you read my blog or any article I’ve written, you know this is mission of mercy for me. As a marketer, storyteller and improviser, I have seen humor deliver results. Humor IS human and [...]
Think Un-Product I was waiting to see the movie, “Lincoln,” last weekend when the this “trailer” played in the theater. “Oh no,” I thought, another cliché movie about finding love and missed connections, literally and [...]
Kathy co-facilitated a Stanford class on Play on October 13. It was a blast. Check out my crown!
I was at the Applied Improvisation Network conference in San Francisco last week as a speaker, attendee, and conference organizer. I – like many attendees – apply principles of improvisation (not improv comedy, although I [...]
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming more interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get people interested in you.” - Dale Carnegie Carnegie’s timeless wisdom [...]
Over the past few years, in addition to doing a lot of storytelling for video, I’ve had the privilege of interviewing digital marketers from Cisco, Ford, IBM, Goodwill Industries International and NetApp among other companies [...]
This is the third in a series of blog posts published on Apps and games: Another great way to increase engagement is to offer fun mobile and web-based applications that help people manage their [...]
This is the second post in a series of three published on Video: Gen Y consumers watch a lot of online video (research firm ComScore reports the average American viewed over 23 hours of [...]
This is the first of 3 posts that ran on Today’s financial institutions, like other industry sectors, recognize how important it is to reach out to the Generation Y cohort of 18- to 30-year-olds. [...]
We had a great time with the Stanford Course on January 21. In that workshop, we did lots of fun, playful and interactive exercises designed to have people flexing their creative muscles. Here are some [...]
I love the wonderfully heartwarming classic holiday special, “Frosty the Snowman.” This year we introduced the holiday classic to my 3-year-old son. He loved it: the music, the fun, the message of believing in child-like [...]
I have written about the role of humor in sales and marketing many times. To read some of those articles, visit: After a recent panel discussion at an event where I was [...] launched its initiative, "Frustration-Free Packaging," to combat what it calls 'Wrap Rage' in 2008 as CEO Jeff Bezos spent too much time unwrapping gifts for his kids one holiday. Check out Amazon's video, Fighting [...]
Not too long ago I was contacted by a company on the East Coast that sells add-on fireplaces. After reading my blog in several syndicated sites, I got a call from the company's founder. A [...]
By infusing social media with humor and changing the way they think about business, credit unions can establish a critical generational bridge to market more effectively to Millennials. This article appeared in The June 2011 [...]
A Southern ex-boss from my high-tech marketing days (and with whom I have become good friends) used to say, “The sun doesn’t always shine on the same dog’s ass all the time.” His offbeat managerial [...]
The Center for Creative Leadership writes about four mindsets that inhibit positive organizational change. One of those mindsets that pervades and stops progress in its tracks is a “yes, but…” mentality. You know the type [...]
Published in Social Media Today August 2010 New media like any set of new technologies has plenty of jargon, let’s face it. And sadly, it’s precisely this kind of buzzword bingo that does marketers and [...]