Digital Impact Conference
May 6, 2011 Digital Impact Conference in NYC. Kathy spoke on storytelling in the age of video.
May 6, 2011 Digital Impact Conference in NYC. Kathy spoke on storytelling in the age of video.
The Economist this week (Sept 20) published an interesting editorial called “Down with Fun: The Depressing Vogue for Having Fun at Work.“ At a high level: fun is great, but FUN by MBO is (oxy) [...]
If you read my blog frequently, you know how I feel about using fun and humor to cut through the “blah, blah, boring” in b2b. One of my new favorites from Cisco is a video [...]
New media like any set of new technologies has plenty of jargon, let’s face it. And sadly, it’s precisely this kind of buzzword bingo that does marketers and their customers a huge disservice. New media [...]
Humor Drives Profits: The Creativity - Innovation Connection Humor is good business. In fact, it’s critical to the creative, innovative process that drives strategic advantage in the marketplace. Humor is no longer a “nice to [...]
Laughing at the teacher will be encouraged during a new summer workshop offered through Training and Organizational Development, Using Humor in Your Presentations (HRD 067). The 4-hour-long morning workshop will be taught June 29 by [...]
Research today illustrates that on average women do not take the same career risks that men do. Why? The reasons are complex but they all point back to a very important subject – how women [...]