Key to Great Video: A Human Connection
Just yesterday, I saw this video for the first time - a video of a young gay solider coming out live on the phone to his dad on the day "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was [...]
Just yesterday, I saw this video for the first time - a video of a young gay solider coming out live on the phone to his dad on the day "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was [...]
When you are planning your content strategy – whether it’s video, articles, whatever – step back and ask yourself: What makes great content, and what makes people want to share it? Lots of people ask [...]
Recently, on September 6th, Yahoo! fired its latest CEO, Carol Bartz, in what has become an endless stream of attempts to pick itself up and redefine itself. I liked Carol and I like Yahoo! As [...]
Missed the SFAMA's video marketing panel? No problem. Check out the event recap. I, along with fellow panelists, had a blast discussing what's working - and what isn't - with video marketing!
We had a great workshop in Santa Clara where we helped attendees define their video marketing story! Hear from two of our attendees on what they learned and how it made a difference to them! [...]
EC=SC (Every Company Must be a Storytelling Company) Tom Foremski maintains that every company today must be a media company. I believe that to be true, but I also think it’s more fundamental than that. [...]
Leaders sell ideas and inspiration, not services. They are adept at answering “the Why” – why they do what they do. It is a fundamental human question. People often buy products and services based on [...]
Social media tools operate like a high-powered microscope (telescope, mirror...pick your metaphor!). They amplify everything you do - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Oh, the ugly and the abject horror. So before you [...]
As I write this blog post on Friday, July 29th, I watch the news on CNN with a mix of frustration and anger. I know I am not alone. Why can't the leaders we have [...]
Complexity is easy; simplicity is hard. There is a lot of noise out there. If being simple were easy, everybody would have mastered it. That’s a great thing; when your competitors are convoluted, simplicity sets [...]
By infusing social media with humor and changing the way they think about business, credit unions can establish a critical generational bridge to market more effectively to Millennials. This article appeared in The June 2011 [...]
There would be a lot less bad marketing in the world if executives were forced to read all the ineffective, sometimes downright awful, content their organizations produce. Marketing is supposed to put human needs first [...]
A Southern ex-boss from my high-tech marketing days (and with whom I have become good friends) used to say, “The sun doesn’t always shine on the same dog’s ass all the time.” His offbeat managerial [...]
The Center for Creative Leadership writes about four mindsets that inhibit positive organizational change. One of those mindsets that pervades and stops progress in its tracks is a “yes, but…” mentality. You know the type [...]
Too often businesses lament the lack of immediate return on investment (ROI) in new media. ‘If we can’t monetize it, we shouldn’t do it’ is a common complaint. Yet, the reason companies must understand social [...]
Published in Social Media Today August 2010 New media like any set of new technologies has plenty of jargon, let’s face it. And sadly, it’s precisely this kind of buzzword bingo that does marketers and [...]