Top 5 Worst Business Pick-Up Lines

A few years ago, I wrote this post about bad linkedin notifications.

I am happy to say I am getting less spam, although I think it’s because I’m filtering more, or the AI bots are hard at work keeping that stuff away. Either way, progress. LinkedIn has gotten better. Way to go, #linkedin. I am still getting those notifications and invites that are well…the business version of super awful ‘pick-up’ lines.

Here are my top 5 worst LinkedIn pick-up lines, 2017 version, and my thoughts about them.

5. ..”So I am an influencer…” LOL. Ok then. I see we attended the ‘Ron Burgundy’ School of Influence.

4. ..”We’re experts at…” Wait. What? Who are you?

3. ..”It was great to meet you at x” I was not at X event, but I respect your commitment to the cause. Ballsy. Wait, was I there??? No, I was NOT there. Nice one, though.

2. ‘We help thousands of social media folks like you…” Wow. Way to make me feel special. I am not a social media expert, though. Nice try!

1. ..”You are a top voice in your industry, so I would like to connect.” You don’t even know what I do, do you? My family doesn’t either. Way to sort of, kind of know what I almost, maybe do.

How about you? What makes you laugh and cringe at the same time?